Ric Hubbard
Ric Hubbard is the owner and President of The Hubbard Jointer Co., Inc. He served his masonry apprenticeship under the direction of his father, Dick Hubbard. Dick was a master craftsman in every sense of the term and the developer of the Hubbard Jointer Company products.
Ric purchased the company from his father in 1986 and retained his father’s critically demanding eye on quality, workmanship and service. The Hubbard Jointer Company unconditionally warrants the quality of its workmanship and materials in every tool we produce.
Curtis Lindaas
Curtis Lindaas became a part owner of the Hubbard Jointer Company in 2015. Curtis is a fine young man of impeccable character. All who work with him in the coming years will learn to appreciate him and the energy he brings to the Company. Curtis has the same strong desire to maintain the service and quality workmanship in all we do.